The average Sellers' inspection lasts from 2 to 2.5 hours. The inspection process begins immediately after you place your phone order.
On the day of the inspection, the Homeplace inspector typically arrives before the client to familiarize himself with the property. Using a 17-page Inspection Checklist/Report, he conducts a thorough home inspection (* click here to download a sample page).

* PLEASE NOTE: The sample page utilizes Adobe Reader. To download a FREE copy of the Reader, please click on the icon below.

Once the prospective buyer arrives, your Homeplace inspector discusses the Agreement Contract and gives the client a full packet of Home Maintenance literature plus a computer generated map showing the location of the home within the community.
Next, the buyer is encouraged to accompany the inspector on a complete walk-through of the property. The inspector will discuss any problems he may have discovered, from dampness to structural issues. Depending on the number of questions and concerns the buyer may have, this step typically lasts about 1 hour.
Following the walk-through (on the same day), the inspector will provide the client with a complete written report on the condition of the property. Should the buyer have additional questions and concerns at a later time, Homeplace Inspections will be glad to answer them. Don't forget — we have had the same phone number for 35 years!
Most inspections occur within 48 hours of your phone order. All inspections are performed in accordance with the Code of Ethics of the American Society of Home Inspectors®.
Fees are $250 and up (average fee is $300).